Our adoption program functions as a full-service adoption agency. Permanent homes for children are provided, and comprehensive adoption services are offered to all participants of the adoption process. The program offers adoption groups, adoptive parent training, adoptive family profiles, birth parent and adoptee searches, birth parent counseling advocacy, international agency clients, networking, placement services, post- placement supervision, USCIS assistance, and post finalization services for adoptive families. For additional information, please contact Ashley Eck at aeck@casmercer.org
Post Permanency
As part of our SWAN affiliation we offer the following Post Permanency services: Case Advocacy, Respite and Support Groups. All Pennsylvania families who are adoptive families, legal kinship, or permanent legal custodians are eligible for these services. For additional information, please contact
Char Freeman at cfreeman@casmercer.org
These services are designed to work with the whole family to reduce the need for psychiatric hospitalization, enhance parenting skills that will enable parents to confidently care for their children in the home, stabilize the home environment and keep the family together, and empower families to maintain progress independent of service providers. FBMHS are provided at no cost to the families who participate. For additional information, please contact Becky Rodondi at brodondi@casmercer.org
Christmas Referral Program
Every year agencies that are affiliated with Children's Aid Society have the opportunity to refer the children they work with for our Christmas Drive. If you or someone you know would like to donate to the kids in need please contact Chelsea Bailey at cbailey@casmercer.org or call 724-662-4730 Ext. 19
Focuses on the age appropriate skills while aiding in the development of self-control, self-esteem, and independence. Our early learning program also encourages sensory awareness, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, communication skills, listening skills, cognitive skills, and learning sign language. We are a Level Four Keystone Stars Daycare. For additional information, please contact Dottie Quillen at dquillen@casmercer.org
Car Seats/Pack-N-Plays
In need of a car seat or just want to be sure your car seat is installed correctly? Contact our certified car seat technician, Chelsea Bailey, to learn more information about this Public Service Program!
cbailey@casmercer.org or call 724-662-4730 Ext. 19
*Car seats and Pack-N-Plays are distributed on a first come first serve basis.*
Have you ever thought about being a foster parent? It may seem like an intimidating title, but it's not. Children need parents, no matter what they've been through and where they come from. Foster parents provide for children that can no longer be in their homes and are placed in the custody of Children and Youth Services. There are over 14,000 kids in foster care in Pennsylvania. Anyone can be a foster parent, as long as they are at least 21 years old, have their clearances and pass a medical examination. The children need care, not a perfect house or family situation. They just need a place to feel safe and people that care about them. You can be that person. You can be the difference. For additional information, please contact Ashley Eck at aeck@casmercer.org
When children in Pennsylvania’s foster care system turn 18, they age out of the system. This means they are released to face the world on their own, only now they are viewed as adults. This transition is difficult for anyone, especially those who do not have a family to lean on for support. Bills, jobs, responsibilities – they all add up and can be overwhelming for someone who has not experienced them before. This is where our mentors come in. When everything else runs out, we have a program that helps fill that void and bridge that gap. Our mentoring program is designed so mentors can meet the youth where they are and help them get where they need to be, while serving as a support system. Whether it is establishing a relationship with a 14 year-old, helping an 18 year-old apply for college, or helping a 23 year-old apply for a job, mentors are needed to prepare the youth for what lies ahead as they transition to adulthood. This program gives young people the role model they may never get otherwise. It helps them with skills, but at the core, it guarantees that they will always have someone that cares about them and that they are not alone. For additional information, please contact Leah Christy at lchristy@casmercer.org